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video projection on screen hung from a crane on construction site

HolgertMader, Heike Wiermann

"Lumiere London”, 18.-21.01.2018, Coal Drops Yard, Kings Cross London

produced by Artichoke, London
crane with screen 10x6m, 40 000 ansiLumen laser projector, player 

An interesting aspect of any construction site and the theme of the installation is the transformation from 2D into 3D, from ideas into objects, from visions into reality. In a seemingly surreal staging strange protagonists perform strange things: focussed, fast, at night, in the air, illuminated in a peculiar way … . The processing of the original architect’s blueprints anchor the events in reality.
Due to the double movement, the ephemerality of the arrangement and a certain degree of absurdity, the "building process" seems to be possible in another way: playful and experimental … .


grabber, London