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Holger Mader

studies at the HfG-Karlsruhe, media art, Prof. Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Prof. Marcel Odenbach and Edgar Reitz
born in Basel

film and video festivals 

Deutscher Videokunstpreis
41. int. Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (international competition)
50. Festival int. del Film, Locarno
Filmfestival Rotterdam
Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche
Viper, Basel
Kunstfilm Biennale, Köln
Kasseler Dokumentarfilm und Videofest
Mostra Internationale di Montecatini Terme
Videonale, Bonn
Internationales Bochumer Videofestival
European Media Ar Festival, Osnabrück
Ostranenie, Bauhaus Dessau
Festival Video Art, Casablanca
Impakt Video Festival, Utrecht

Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, lobende Erwähnung der Interfilm Jury
Deutscher Videokunstpreis, 1. SWR-Preis

Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kunst und Medientechnologie
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes


Museum für Gegenwartskunst Basel, Fremdkörper

2001 -  2013 as Mader Stublic Wiermann
since 2014 as Mader Wiermann

exhibitions and installations

»comp2019«, videoinstallation at the Apollo Pavilion by Victor Pasmore, Peterlee, UK
»CUBE«, exhibition "Nagative Space", sculpture in the 20/21 century, at the ZKM Karlsruhe
»(de)construct«, videoinstallation at the KADEWE, Berlin
»Light Boxes«, Kunstmuseum Celle
»shift2«, videoinstallation, MIAT Museum, Ghent
»frictions«, facade projection, Regent Street, London
»grabber« Kings Cross, crane- installation, London
»strangers« Main Ufer, video sculpture, Frankfurt/Main
»data cloud« realisation of an interactive light installation for Landesamt für Statistik und Datenverarbeitung, Fürth
»Signal«, Kunstmuseum Celle, lightart, collection Robert Simon
»movements«, Video installation, Autostadt, Wolfsburg
»data cloud«, invited competition, Department for Statistics and Data, Fürth,
first prize, interactive LED light insallation at the foyer, realisation sommer 2017
»IGA«, draft for the international garden exhibition in Berlin, 2017
»shift«, LUX Helsinki, videoprojection at the Porthania Building, Helsinki
»strike a light!«, Video installation at Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Forum Tower build by Renzo Piano
»reflecting light«, videoinstallation, Quadriennale Düsseldorf, Museum Kunstpalast, Ehrenhof
»Ulmer Weitblick, exhibition Ulm
»Shenzhen Bay Tower, draft of a media facade with LKL, Bonn and Berlin
»spotlight«, light art from Germany, Kunstmuseum Celle
»colourful«, videoinstallation at the Bauhaus building, 16. Bauhaus-Fest, Dessau
»all ready made«, artistic content design LED-media facade with sound, Galeria de Arte Digital SESISP, Deutsch-Brasilianisches Jahr, São Paulo
»mirrored«, permanent installation, re design at the entrance, phaeno Museum, Wolfsburg, 2012/13
invited competition, 125 years Ulmer Münster
»digital borderland«, solo exhibition EnBW Galerie am Schiffbauerdamm, Berlin
»loong«, draft LED-media facade, invited competition for the Shanghai Tower, China
»in stone«, videoinstallation construction site, draft Ruhrlights 2012/13
Athens Video Festival, Greece
»in the air«, installation with fog and light, sound, Galerie M, Berlin, draft
»game changer«, dynamic lighting, invited competition, Polizeiinspektion Nueremberg
„liberation of light“, Peking design week und Ghoanzou design week, China
„vom Finsteren - urban project“, Hildesheim
Mikser Festival, Belgrad
Beyond 3D Festival, ZKM Karlsruhe
»same as it never was«, interactiv facade installation, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Saarbrücken seit 2010/11
»4d house«, videoinstallation at the jüd. Gemeindezentrum Duisburg, Ruhrlights: Twilight Zone I, Ruhr.2010 Capital of culture, Duisburg
»reflection« und »flowing space«, 2 videoworks Mühlheim, Ruhrlights:Twilight Zone II, Ruhr.2010 Capital of culture, Mülheim an der Ruhr
»cam«, draft LED-facade for the Chelsea Art Museum, New York, 2008/2010
»light shapes«, video installation, Ruhr.2010 Capital of culture, Dortmund
„Urban Topologies“, Museum of Contemporary Art TAM, Beijing, China
»expanded space«, videoinstallation at Avedøre power plant and industrial area Avedøre Holme, UN-climate conference, Part of des LysLyd-Festivals, Copenhagen
»in an other light«, videoinstallation at thehooghuis-facade, GLOW festival, Eindhoven
»streamer«, LED-installation, invited competion Kunst am Bau, ENBW-City, Stuttgart
„interaction“, Churchill Centre, Cambridge, GB
»folded space«, videoinstallation, Mostra SESC de Artes, SESC Pompéia, Brasilien, São Paulo
»fast wall«, light installation, Bayerische Landespolizei, Nürnberg
»façade«, draft for a media facade, Orkuveitan, Reykjavík, Island
»blending series«, light objects, e-on Zentrale, München
»after effects«, solo exhibition, Galerie AIC, Berlin
„fluid architectures“, Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst, Montevideo, Amsterdam
»water project«, invited competition, New Opera House, Oslo,Norway
Media facades, exhibition, Deutsches Architektur Forum, Berlin
transmediale.07, draft, exhibition design, Berlin
»inner city waltz«, content design LED-facade, SPOTS Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
»cube«, video sound installation, Reykjavík, Island
»reprojected«, first content design LED-steles, seven screens, Osram Zentrale, Munich 2006/07 u. 2009/10
»twists and turns«, content design LED-Media facade UNIQA Tower, Vienna
Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch
Seoul film and video festival
KunstFilmBiennale Internationa competition, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
invited competition subway station Bonner Wall, Cologne
»yawning void«, ZKM, Karlsruhe
14. International Bochumer Videofestival
»yawning void«, Hector Kunstpreis, Kunsthalle Mannheim
„pole position“, Kunstverein Mannheim
»transfer II«,solo exhibition Foyer KfW-Bankengruppe, Bonn
»cube«, Video installation with sound, Medienturm, Steirischer Herbst, Graz
»needful things«, 3 objects, Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
»float«, Jahrhunderthalle, Bochuminvited competition
Kunst am Bau, draft, T-Mobile Konzernzentrale, Bonn
„But over the edges“, Video object with sound, Monitoring, 20. Kasseler Dokufilm & Videofest
International competition Viper, Basel
„But over the edges“, Video object with sound, dissimile, Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, 2002/03
»cube«, Video installation with sound, Lothringer13, München
»surface city«, Video installation with sound, plan02, Tanzschule, Cologne
invited competition Zentrale der HVB, Munich
»cube«, Video installation with sound, ZKM, Karlsruhe

lectures and workshops (selection from 2007)
Architecture goes ART, Forum für Architektur Nürnberg
international art-workshop at the Deutsch-Brasilianischen Jahr, São Paulo
interdicipliary orkshop HfM Karlsruhe und HBKSaar, „Bild, Ton, Raum“
„MSW“, Athens Video Festival
„nocturnal prowl“, Saarbrücken
„Generative Architektur“, Universität Wuppertal
„MSW“, Mikser Festival, Belgrad
„a ner layer for a new novel.“, Metropolis Symposium, Dortmund
„Mader Stublic Wiermann“, Der Architekt als Seismograph, Symposium, Pinakotek der Moderne, München
„Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Bildern“, AED, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
„Urban Layers - urban spaca as a layer“, BDA Stadtsalon Berlin
“media-architecutre, models of novel interaction“, Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin
“the interplay“, city illumination: architecture and art in urban context, Reykjavík, Iceland
art forum, Berlin talk, “The Public Gaze - Architecture as Place of Art and Media”
„surface of the digital“, metropolis laboratory, Copenhagen
„Media Architecture“, ADC Festival 08, Berlin
“adding layers” urban screens conference, Manchester
„dynamic architecture“ mediaarchitecture conference, London
„Lichtarchitekturen”, Light up 2007, Light-Symposium, Munich


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13086 Berlin


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